Austin Brown

Photo of man with glasses and beard in front of window

Position Title
Assistant Adjunct Professor
Executive Director of the Policy Institute for Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

 As Executive Director of the Policy Institute, Austin Brown builds strong connections between the research and policy communities at the local, state, and national levels with a focus on clean energy and sustainable transportation. Prior to joining UC Davis in June 2017, he spent nine years in Washington, DC, working for the Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and as Assistant Director for Clean Energy and Transportation at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Obama Administration. He holds a B.S. from Harvey Mudd College and a Ph.D. from Stanford University.

Research Interests & Expertise
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Transportation policy
  • Energy systems policy
  • Equity and environmental justice
  • New mobility and automation policy
  • Zero emission vehicles