CA Governor Signs State Senator's Landmark Bill To Decarbonize Cement

New legislation signed in California to target GHG emissions

Quick Summary

  • Department faculty contributed science behind groundbreaking legislation

 CA Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed landmark legislation by State Senator Josh Becker that will make California the first state to directly target greenhouse gas emissions from cement. Senate Bill 596 also is the first bill in any California sector to focus on achieving net-zero emissions. Professors Alissa Kendall and Sabbie Miller have contributed work to the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) which was used in support of this bill and Professor Sabbie Miller ran emissions scenarios for Becker's climate staff. In addition, Professor Miller and John Harvey also contributed pro-bono work through Project 2030 which was used as scientific support in this bill. 

Taken from the press release

In California, greenhouse gas emissions from the production of cement – the “glue” that holds concrete together – contribute about 8 million metric tons of CO2 each year, equivalent to about 1.7 million cars. Cement production is the second-largest industrial source of GHG emissions in the state, behind only the oil and gas sector.

In response, SB 596 requires that a comprehensive strategy be created to achieve net-zero emission cement used in California as soon as possible, but not later than 2045.

“This legislation becomes law,” Senator Becker said, “thanks to the help of the climate and environmental action advocates at the NRDC, which partnered with me on the bill, and with support from the California Nevada Cement Association, which shared key input on the industry’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions from cement and was a willing partner in helping to craft SB 596 as it advanced in the Legislature.”

“This new law will lead the way nationally to address emissions from cement production,” said Alex Jackson, a senior attorney at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). “With Senator Becker’s leadership on SB 596, California is poised to develop a model strategy to shrink cement’s huge carbon footprint while continuing to grow our economy and protect public health.”

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